4 Business Lessons from Mother Nature to Accelerate Your Growth

You're reading 4 Business Lessons from Mother Nature to Accelerate Your Growth, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Albert Einstein once said, "Just look deep into mother nature, and then you will understand things better." I couldn't agree more with this quote, as I have myself learned many things while spending time in the lap of mother nature. Once it was raining heavily, and I saw a beautiful bird huddled up, head down, and water stream dripping down his head; a depressing posture you might say. But there was no sad look in the bird's eyes and as soon as the rain stopped; he was singing a beautiful melody as if nothing has happened, and it taught me a very important life lesson. You can't control and choose every situation that life brings to you, but you can definitely choose your attitude towards it. Thus, I started spending more time in the presence of mother natur
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