7 Mind Hacks to Permanently Erase the People Pleaser Mentality

You're reading 7 Mind Hacks to Permanently Erase the People Pleaser Mentality, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Being a people pleaser can become a soul draining habit. This is because, most people will be glad to walk all over you if you allow them that freedom. Like any other limiting mentality, the people pleaser mentality arises out of a negative thought pattern in your subconscious mind. Such thought patterns generally develop from negative childhood experiences. For instance, a parent who was disapproving of you, who made you feel that you are not good enough. Now, when your mind is conditioned with such limiting beliefs, you are automatically drawn to seek validation from others which lays the foundation for the people pleaser mentality. If you believe there is a people pleaser in you, then you have already taken the first step towards overcoming this habit - yo
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