How to Stay Sane When Your World is Spinning Out of Control

You're reading How to Stay Sane When Your World is Spinning Out of Control, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. You may going through agonizing circumstances in your life right now. Your romantic relationships or marriage could be tearing at the seams and you may not be able to hang on much longer. Or some other kind of family relationship may be tearing your heart in half. People may be making you choose sides. Blackmailing you. Threatening you. Giving you the silent treatment. When emotional family drama consumes your life, it feels like everything is spinning out of control. The very people who love you are turning your life upside down. How do you remain sane when the emotional turmoil of your life is tearing you apart? How do you remain above the shore when family drama and emotional turmoil are trying to sink you? How do you stay sane when your world feels like it
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