Three Keys to Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams

You're reading Three Keys to Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. I’m not trying to dismiss all the books, courses, movies, and professionals out there who claim they can teach you how to turn your life around and attract the love, the wealth, the success, or the happiness that you long for. Some of their methods may be effective, and their fundamental premises are generally sound. Like them, I am a firm believer that our destiny is in our own hands, and that we each have the power to co-create a life of fulfillment and meaning, no matter where we’ve come from. But I also know that this is not a quick-fix problem that can be solved by some magical secret. Based on my study of numerous approaches, I believe that there are three essential elements that need to be included for effective manifestation. The reason many “law of attracti
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