3 Awesome Things Financial Freedom Gives You

You're reading 3 Awesome Things Financial Freedom Gives You, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. What do you think of when you see the words “financial freedom”? A positive cashflow where you’re free from living paycheck to paycheck? Taking unpaid time off from work, knowing you’ve already have your expenses covered? A year’s worth of cash reserves in case you decide to walk away from your job? Maybe it’s something more mundane like going out with friends once a week. Whatever it is, when you dig deep down and really look at your reasons for wanting financial freedom, you’ll discover it was not about the money. It never is. Rather, it’s about what having the money represents. Walk Away From Abusive Relationships When you have financial freedom, you realize you don’t have to take other people’s bad attitudes anymore, be they familial, intimate, friendly
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