Tips For Restorative Sleep

You're reading Tips For Restorative Sleep, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. We all know how important it is to maintain an active lifestyle to be healthy. Numerous studies and reports come out seemingly every day encouraging us to be active if we want to be healthy and live longer lives. Yet in the drive to stay active, the importance of stopping to get the proper amount of rest gets pushed to the background too often. A good, restorative night’s sleep is imperative for our bodies’ ability to recuperate and recharge after a full day’s activities. In today’s society, though, it’s often considered a luxury. There’s so much call for us to be doing tasks constantly that getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep our bodies need each night is seen as almost selfish. The American drive to do more may be a big part of the reason why the average American
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