The Psychology of Momentum: 5 Steps to Get Yourself Out Of A Mental Rut

You're reading The Psychology of Momentum: 5 Steps to Get Yourself Out Of A Mental Rut, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Do you ever find yourself in a mental rut? Sometimes you have days, or even weeks, whereby as much as a part of you wants to be active, you just can’t bring yourself to do so. It can literally feel like you’re wading through quicksand! There’s one thing, however, that can not only help get you out of the rut but can help keep you out. And that is; momentum. See, the brain is a pattern making machine that’s built to find a route and follow it consistently. It does this because it wants to conserve energy, it’s stingy, and this is why it’s so hard to make a behavioural change, particularly when you don’t ‘feel’ like it. It completely goes against your homeostatic drives. However, that also means that once you have a habit in place, mo
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