How To Achieve Your Most Important Goal in 2018 Using 2 Simple Habits

You're reading How To Achieve Your Most Important Goal in 2018 Using 2 Simple Habits, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Out of all the goals you have set for this year I’m sure you’ve got one specific goal that’s been on the forefront of your mind. A goal that you know has the greatest potential to change your life - Your most important goal for 2018. But while you are motivated and generally hard working, most likely you are struggling with something most people are struggling with: Consistency. One week you’re on fire, working on whatever you need to work on everyday with great focus and energy. Another week you kind of lose momentum, don’t get much done and procrastinate. Making matters worse after a week of laziness it takes you another week to get back into productive mode. Effectively losing 2 weeks that you could be getting closer towards achieving your
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