5 Core Reasons Why you Should Embrace your Flaws to Live a Happier Life

You're reading 5 Core Reasons Why you Should Embrace your Flaws to Live a Happier Life, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. If you’ve got a banana close by, pick it up and look at it carefully. What do you see in life? Black pockmarks on a smooth yellow skin. Now, there are two ways to think about this. Either you can consider the black spots as ugly scars, ruining the perfect yellow beauty of the banana. Or you can appreciate the artistic placement of those marks, making the banana look one-of-a-kind. These two perspectives are worlds apart. While the former view recklessly commands our attention and limits our vision, the latter one holds an unspeakable release in its nucleus and the true secret of happiness. What is that? Self-love. Yes, that is precisely what I will preach in this article. Love yourself. You are composed of all kinds of blacks and yellows. Usually,
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