4 Ways To Take Back Your Freedom and Step Into Total Prosperity

You're reading 4 Ways To Take Back Your Freedom and Step Into Total Prosperity, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. For a long time, I knew that prosperity was my divine right. However, it did not seem to be my experience. Between faulty religious beliefs and manipulative family traditions, I seemed to have shut down my ability to create prosperity. It took deliberately choosing freedom and deliberately turning my back on some of the ideas I grew up with, in order to fully own my divine ability to create a great life. Prosperity is your divine right as well, if you will claim it but are you allowing yourself to claim all you desire? Here are 4 ways to take back your freedom and step into total all round prosperity. 1. DECIDE WHAT YOU DESIRE Your desires are sacred. they were planted within you by the Divine when you were created. You were to be the channel throu
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