Here’s Why You Really Feel Invisible

You're reading Here s Why You Really Feel Invisible, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. “The common denominator I found in every single interview is we want to be validated. We want to be understood.” –Oprah Winfrey Your stories—how you look at money, your interpersonal relationships with other people and your belief system—could be the reason why you feel invisible and unheard. Learning the complex relationship between each will help you to become more aware about why you feel invisible. This is the first step towards being seen and being more present in the world. The Money Story When you were growing up and wanted new clothes or new toys, did your parents ever say to you, “I have no money”? Or whenever you wanted to buy something, did they say, “Why would you buy that!” with the subtext that you’re really just wasting money? Perhaps even when you b
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