
Showing posts from January, 2018

Easy Life Hacks for Better Organization

You're reading Easy Life Hacks for Better Organization, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Organization and productivity hacks are a hot topic right now. From best sellers like Kingston’s “Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui” to the Marie Kondo “Bringing You Joy” method, there seem to be almost as many ways to ditch your clutter as there are plans to lose weight. While studies show that one in four Americans would like to, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. There are scientific studies that back the benefits of being organized, which makes it worth your while. First, we’ll take a look at the causes and benefits, then show you how to implement them with easy hacks for organizing your home, work-life, family, meals, and social life. Why do we accumulate clutter? It can (literally) hurts to throw things away: It turns out that some people’s brains are bu https://...

YES, I Gave My Power Away

You're reading YES, I Gave My Power Away, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. “Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – C.G. Jung When I was younger I was all about romantic love. You know like in the movies. Where the girl is finally seen and fulfilled by the guy. I’ve watched Dirty Dancing countless times and knew it all by heart (also because of the dancing, but that’s another story). I just dreamed of finding that kind of love and my happy ever after. I clearly remember how part of growing up was plain out scary for me. I felt afraid of the future – I think to some extent because I am a sensitive and emotional being, and in my late teens and early 20s there were so many emotions that felt overwhelming, which I didn’t know how to hold and process. I think it’s not that uncommon, and luckily I had st https://...

5 Easy Steps to Be Happy and Start Living Now

You're reading 5 Easy Steps to Be Happy and Start Living Now, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Do you find yourself moving from day to day just wishing the weekend was here already?  Or maybe you think if you could just hit the big lottery numbers you’d be set for life! Let’s face it, we all have been guilty of working in the present while wishing for the future. We say things like, “Well, maybe next year I’ll lose some weight.”  Or “Next month I’ll stay on my budget.”   But next month and then next year come and go yet nothing ever changes.  Why is that?  Why can’t we just be happy and start living right now?  Just because there is a saying that “the grass may be greener on the other side” doesn’t make it so! We do not have to simply let time pass by and hope that one day we finally arrive at the perfect place for us.  No, no, no!  We c https://www.pickthebrain...

3 ACTIONABLE Steps To Change Your Life Through Thought

You're reading 3 ACTIONABLE Steps To Change Your Life Through Thought, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. What kind of person were you growing up? Were you confident, popular or self assured? If so, you were the complete opposite of me. Me and my friends were called "the trolls under the stairs..." and that was by the teachers. The closest I came to social interaction was avoiding eye contact with anyone who walked past me... But I always wanted more. I always wished I could reach out and talk to new people. To be like the popular kids, never being afraid of what I was going to say or if it was going to look stupid. For me it seemed like other people were always so confident, so sure of themselves and their ability. I wanted to be like that more than anything else. Fast forward 3 years.. Since those days I've had the privilege of being a Bartender, P...

7 Ways that Keep My Personal Training Clients Motivated

You're reading 7 Ways that Keep My Personal Training Clients Motivated, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. After 12 years of personal training, I can confidently say that there isn’t a standard method of motivation that works for everyone. To make life more challenging, all tools of motivation are only effective 3-6 weeks even if the strategy is perfectly in-line with the person’s drive, wants, needs, schedule, and personal/professional demands (a lot of factors to consider…always). So, how can YOU motivate yourself and maintain motivation and sanity while trying to achieve your neverending list of goals? First, understand yourself. Are you the ambitious, self-driven person that is self-employed or self-directed at home or in the office? You’re always focused on something, but you haven’t figured why another important goal is a priority. You don’t always need http...

The Top 5 Tips To Turn Mistakes Into Teachable Moments

You're reading The Top 5 Tips To Turn Mistakes Into Teachable Moments, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Taking action is one of the most important parts of all the learning processes because everything in life is learned by actually doing it. You can read thousands of books on guitars, learn about its different parts, know the technology used, watch thousands of videos on guitar lessons, but you will never be able to learn guitar if you will never try to play it with your own hands. Think about some of the most common things which you have learned in your life like walking, cycling, cooking, dancing, etc, all these things were eventually learned because of your mistakes. When you first started to learn walking, you must have fallen many times but instead of becoming discouraged from each fall, you woke up again every time, learned from your mistake and then star...

How To Achieve Your Most Important Goal in 2018 Using 2 Simple Habits

You're reading How To Achieve Your Most Important Goal in 2018 Using 2 Simple Habits, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Out of all the goals you have set for this year I’m sure you’ve got one specific goal that’s been on the forefront of your mind. A goal that you know has the greatest potential to change your life - Your most important goal for 2018. But while you are motivated and generally hard working, most likely you are struggling with something most people are struggling with: Consistency. One week you’re on fire, working on whatever you need to work on everyday with great focus and energy. Another week you kind of lose momentum, don’t get much done and procrastinate. Making matters worse after a week of laziness it takes you another week to get back into productive mode. Effectively losing 2 weeks that you could be getting closer towards achieving your ht...

7 Reasons To Meditate

You're reading 7 Reasons To Meditate, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. Do you always feel tired, stressed, and angry? Are you impulsive and can`t seem to stop snapping at people for the wrong reasons? If you say Yes, then you have to meditate more often. Why You Must Meditate Meditation is one of the best physical and spiritual activities you can gift yourself. For just 10 minutes each day, you can improve your mood, boost your energy and increase tranquility. But it`s not just about that. Researchers have found many answers to why you should meditate, some of which are listed here in this post. It Can Protect You From Alzheimer's Many studies believe that meditation has positive effects on cognition, especially in adults. A 2015 study found that 12 minutes of daily Kirtan Kriya meditation lowered the risk of Alzheimer`s in adults with memory problems such a...

Are You a Slave to Money? (and How This Belief Is Hurting You)

You're reading Are You a Slave to Money? (and How This Belief Is Hurting You), originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles. How often have you heard these sayings about money? I'm just a slave to money. I work hard to serve the Almighty Dollar, but I never seem to make enough money. These may sound like irrefutable truths. Yet, having these very thoughts about money is hurting you from welcoming more money into your life. When you put yourself in the servant's position, you relinquish all power you have. It's playing into the victim mentality. It's believing you are powerless to do anything about your financial situation, so why even try? But what happens when you shift this relationship to one in which you are the master and money is your faithful servant, ready to do your bidding? Money Is Just an Idea First, let's learn about what money really is. Bef...

The gap

There's a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Many gaps, in fact, but imagine just one of them. That gap--is it fuel? Are you using it like a vacuum, to pull you along, to inspire...

Hope and reality

Sometimes, we don't sell what we've got, we sell what could be. Book publishers, for example, buy non-fiction book proposals ($10 million for Bruce Springsteen's autobiography) not the finished book. The finished book almost never matches what they were hoping...

Working with a designer (four paths)

Most of us want to look good online, need a website, maybe even a logo. More and more individuals and organizations are discovering that they need to hire a professional. It comes down to doing your homework. Be clear with...